Viral Vegans was started by a group of people with the same mission.

That story began 3 years ago next to one famous chicken restaurant...

November 2021
Viral Vegans, a Finnish non-profit animal rights organization, arrives with a bang, as our first-ever protest is widely reported by every Finnish media outlet, and our social media channels gain over 4,000 followers within a day.
January  2022
Viral Vegans is widely covered by Finland's most prominent media organizations, including Helsingin Sanomat and the Finnish Broadcasting Company. Our co-founder Benjamin Pitkänen is one of Finland's most requested vegan activists for interviews and keynote speeches.
February 2022
Our weekly podcast Vegaaneista tykkään (I like vegans) is launched and is now Finland's most popular animal rights/vegan podcast. The podcast has featured celebrities, journalists, scientists and politicians. As of May 2024, the podcast has grossed over 180,000 listens.
June 2022
We build a strong community of vegans by arranging street activism, movie nights, and livestreams. Our biggest audience is young people aged 15-35. We begin video production and daily uploads on TikTok.

“The best thing about our work is the sheer amount of positivity and inspiration that each one provides to the team! In such environment creativity flourishes.”

Pavel, Co-founder of Viral Vegans

March 2023
Our monthly audience reached a whopping 300,000 to 1,700,000 monthly, counting all our social media. We increased the number of high-quality videos and provided fact-checking in a much-needed environment, especially during the Finnish parliamentary elections.
June 2023
We held a panel discussion at SuomiAreena, Finland's biggest public debate forum, with a well-known vegan politician, non-fiction writer, and actress. At the event, we fostered great networks with leading figures in Finland and discussed veganism and animal rights issues with politicians and other influential people.
January 2024
Our team grows in addition to our co-founders, Benjamin Pitkänen (Executive director) and Pavel Tahkovuori (Creative director), as Viral Vegans hires a Communication Manager, Tiina Vuolle. Our team of volunteers consists of 10 people.
February 2024
📑 we signed a book deal
Our co-founders signed a book deal with a release date set in August 2024. Into, one of the most significant Finnish publishing houses, is publishing the book. The book is positioned to reach a vast readership, bolstered by Pitkänen's standing as one of Finland's most famous vegan activists.
March 2024
Many organizations, including university student unions, NGOs, and companies, have adopted plant-based policies through our advocacy. In 2024, the Jussi Awards, the Finnish equivalent of the Oscars, had a fully plant-based menu.
We are seeking funding to expand our reach and sustain our initiatives. Our team is agile and cost-effective, driven by a passion for animal rights. The long-term goal is to push vegan values and plant-based policies to be adopted across Finnish society.

Help us in making Finland the vegan capital of the world!
